
Littlechildrencanfindoutallaboutwherethefoodtheyeatcomesfrominthiscolourfullift-the-flapbook.Lifttheflapstolookinsidekitchen ...,Itisimportantforchildrentounderstandfood-whereitcomesfrom,what'sinit,andhowitaffectsourbodies.Thisisaninteractiveintroduction ...,Abright,impactfulbook,explainingsimplyandeffectivelywhat'sgoingwrongwithourplanetandwhatwecanalldotohelp-fromreducinggreenhouse...,幼兒園...

<Usborne> Look Inside Food 翻翻書

Little children can find out all about where the food they eat comes from in this colourful lift-the-flap book. Lift the flaps to look inside kitchen ...

<Usborne> Look Inside Food 翻翻書硬頁書英文童書

It is important for children to understand food - where it comes from, what's in it, and how it affects our bodies. This is an interactive introduction ...

Look Inside Food

A bright, impactful book, explaining simply and effectively what's going wrong with our planet and what we can all do to help - from reducing greenhouse...

Look Inside Food知識翻翻書

幼兒園中班以上適讀,. Usborne Look Inside知識翻翻書系,. 介紹食物從哪裡來和健康飲食概念。 紅蘿蔔是生長在樹 ...

【iBezT】Food(Usborne Look Inside)

推薦【iBezT】Food(Usborne Look Inside), 紅蘿蔔是生長在樹上、還是地上,細緻巧妙的繪圖、淺顯易懂的文字,以及動手操作機關,連續翻頁設計momo購物網總是優惠便宜好 ...

外文| 繪本| Usborne | 翻翻| 食物

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